Thursday, May 7, 2009

I am always right

It drove my sister crazy when we were teenagers and I acted like a know-it-all. She couldn't stand her little brother being so cocky and thinking he was always right. Now she realizes that I am always right so we get along really well. Please do not tell her about this as it is still difficult for her to admit just how wise I am.

When we argued about this as teenagers I did not have the wisdom to communicate a very important truth about me. I do not hold an opinion or belief without reason. This is true for most people. It is not arrogant to hold a belief for which you are willing to argue. It is arrogant to hold a belief for which you cannot make an argument.

Sometimes we find ourselves in “discussions” about controversial social, political, and religious issues. These “discussions” can be very difficult because often times the people involved in the discussion are emotionally involved in the issue being discussed. They also are unlikely to hold their belief unless they think they are right. There are three ways in which these types of “discussions” seem to end. Screaming, crying, cussing fits are not uncommon coming from one or both parties involved. Simply agreeing to disagree is also a common resolution. Third, occasionally one side convinces the other to change.

To avoid the cussing fits we should take care to keep our discussion focused on the issues, making real arguments for our beliefs. Agreeing to disagree is sometimes perfectly acceptable. It also should be acceptable for an agreeable disagreement to impact the relationship of the parties involved. We can still be friends but if you don’t play ball by the same rules as I do then we will not be able to play together very well. When a disagreement is resolved by the changing of minds then we see the best of what holding beliefs has to offer. People are able to examine the issue and arguments and come to a consensus. This gives us hope that it is still possible to reason with people.

That is what I am thinking about.

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